Back in July, police busted an enormous counterfeit coupon ring operating out of Phoenix. This massive, multi-million dollar operation, which sold fake coupon on and on Ebay was believed to be the source of many of the counterfeit coupons being sold elsewhere online and on Ebay.
As additional details of the bust emerged, investigators learned that the Phoenix ring was selling coupons to other websites, which then went on to sell the counterfeits to the public. One of those websites,, previously had a for-sale list of coupons that mirrored the coupons available on Beyond Bogo has now released a statement regarding the origin of the coupons they previously sold.
As followers of BeyondBOGO are likely aware, in the past we began to offer a number of “free product” ‐ type coupons. These coupons were being furnished by a single source and, after evaluating them, no doubt was had in them originating from the products’ manufacturers as claimed. With reception among retailers redeeming these coupons, we used them personally and openly shared them with friends, neighbors and family.
The beginning of this year, the supplier of those coupons became increasingly inconsistent, unreliable and at times unresponsive. As a result of their erratic conduct, we stopped offering their coupons.
This past week, we were contacted by the Coupon Information Center (CIC) and informed that this supplier (group) was arrested for producing counterfeit coupons and face a number of criminal charges with serious consequences if found guilty. Until the CIC contacted us, we were unaware of the developments, but are quickly trying to assist them by getting word to those who obtained from us the coupons in question. Though some time has passed since we offered such coupons, it’s possible there are many coupons of this type obtainable elsewhere and still in circulation. Please inform others! A verdict has not yet been made regarding those charged and we have limited information, but the CIC has said it appears to have been a large scale operation reaching outside the US.
Until more information is available we MUST air [sic] on the side of caution and presume these coupons are subject – if you received a free product coupon (from us or elsewhere), we and they strongly advise to NOT USE THEM ‐ Even if a counterfeit coupon was inadvertently passed along to you, they warn that attempt to redeem a detected counterfeit coupon could put you in risk of potential legal jeopardy. Further, to help combat such coupon fraud, the Coupon Information Center urges consumers not to pay for coupons.
Read the entire statement at
VJB says
Sounds like they are just trying to cover their butts after they hid their heads in the sand. I think they are just as guilty as the savvyshoppersite owners except they think the can play victim by saying they were duped personally as well. They had a responsibility to make sure they were passing on legitimate coupons but seems like they really didn’t care since they were getting “free” products. Atleast that’s what I think.
coupondad says
Wonder if they are offering any of their buyers refunds.
Wouldn’t that make this even MORE interesting!
coupondad says
I take it he doesn’t sell any coupons anymore?
His most recent facebook post looks like a “Save my butt” attempt as well:
Early this year, balancing my own work-time became an increased challenge. As a result and with BeyondBOGO struggling to sustain itself, I chose to redirect my focus. Regrettably, since that time I have not kept up with this Facebook page (or the email account its notifications are delivered to) nor even my own personal Facebook account in recent months while concentrating on my day-to-day work.
Last week, I was contacted by the Coupon Information Center (CIC) and received overwhelming news about the source of free product coupons offered in the past. I’m quickly trying to assist them by getting word to those who obtained the coupons in question – Please inform others! You can see our home page and/or this link to read further.
Maybe he’s revamping his program for the “Big House” clientele.