Tiantabri spotted a good deal on Purina Beggin’ Strips dog treats!
The 3/24 RP has a Meijer store coupon for “Purina Beggin dog snack 6oz. bag, get one free”
The 1/27 RP2 has a manufacturer coupon for Purina Beggin Dog Treats 6 oz or larger Buy 1 Get 1 Beggin Collisions 6 oz Free up to $2.99″
Tiantabri purchased two regular Beggin’ Strips and one Ranch Collisions. With both coupons, pay for one and get two more FREE.
IF they allow you to buy one 6oz. Beggin and one 6oz. Beggin Collisions with the Meijer coupon, then you would indeed get two free, but this will depend on how your store handles things…