Here’s a list of all of the coupon inserts that have expired within the last two months.
If you have any of the following inserts in your files, you can pull them out and recycle them, as all of the coupons inside each insert have expired. Inserts marked with an asterisk are new since last month’s list:
March 2020
* 3/1 RM1
* 3/1 RM2
* 3/8 RM
* 3/29 PG
February 2020
2/2 RM
* 2/9 PARADE
* 2/23 RM
2/23 PG
January 2020
* 1/5 SS1
* 1/5 SS2
1/5 RM1
1/12 RM
* 1/19 RM
1/26 PG
* 1/26 RM1
1/26 RM2
December 2019
12/8 RM
12/15 PARADE
November 2019
* 11/17 RM
October 2019
* 10/13 SS
September 2019
9/8 SS1
List of this month’s expired coupons taken from CouponTom.
Ann says
Did you know…expired coupons can be sent here:
— Bagging Instructions —
The commissaries have requested that Troopons be bagged
and delivered to them as follows.
1. Cut out the coupons.
2. Sort coupons into two piles by status:
a. Expired. Not expired more than 2 months. (e.g. if today’s date is
3/1/2013, you would cut out coupons with an expiration date that is not
older than 1/1/2013.
b. Unexpired. At least two months of life left.
3. Sort each of those two piles into four piles by type:
a. Food items
b. Non-food items
c. Baby food/items
d. Pet items (like dog food)
4. Stuff them into plastic baggies.
5. Write the status (Expired or Unexpired) and the type (food, non-food, baby, or
pet) on them.
6. Total the retail savings of the baggies and write it on them. This helps us
track the value of the overall program.
7. Mail them to SOT as follows:
Support Our Troops®
P.O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070
Only “Manufacturer’s Coupons” can be used. They can be from the newspaper,
dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state
“Manufacturer’s Coupon” on them. No assistance vouchers. No food stamps. No store
coupons. No restaurant coupons. No Internet coupons.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our military troops and their families!
Happy clipping!
~~ The SOT Team