Are you always looking for new recipes? Sign up for FlavorPrint to find your unique recipe recommendations based on your taste. It is a fun way to find recipes you and your family enjoy together. It’s easy — you just click like or dislike as they show you a variety of foods and flavors, then you get your personal recommendations for tonight’s dinner!
FlavorPrint is a service that provides recipe recommendations based on your flavor and dietary preferences. Instead of searching for what to make for dinner, FlavorPrint will recommend what to make tonight — and every day after.
Sign up here to create your fun FlavorPrint profile by McCormick and get great recipe recommendations selected just for you!
NFriday says
Hi- I tried to get recommendations, but I don’t eat much red meat, but I do eat poultry and seafood on occasion, and when you start out they ask if if you will eat most things or if you are vegetarian or vegan. They do have a page where you click off what you are trying to avoid such as peanuts, but when I tried to change my answer to eats most things, hoping they would give me the option to avoid red meat, I could not do that, and it reverted me back to the vegetarian, and it did not give me the option of choosing low fat recipes. I did not think that this would work for me, but I decided to try it.